Thursday, January 28, 2010

Swamy and friends:cypress

A former clerk leads a global team of engineers in a state crippled by bad goverance.How passion and innovation keep Bangalore going

He doesn't hide his 13-year careeer as government clerk and cashier ,the spartan 2-room flat he shares with a friend ,the Idon't-really-care attitide to travels that trake him to Ukraine,Japan,and Taiwan,and an ambition that involves quitting his job leading a team of8 engineers on the cutting edge and technology.
At his company ,Narayana Swamy MK(35 year-old)---Cypress Semiconductor India Pvt.Ltd.,he rubs shoulders with IIT&IIM graduates,his intuitive ability and passion valued over his lack of educational pedigree(his only qualification is a one -year course in data and software).
Over2003&2004,they combined talents to win competitions building coputer systems (a traffic light controller&a digital front-panel for motorcycles)around a bunch of microscopic silicon circuits carved onto a Cypress chip called a P-SOC,or programmable system-on-chip.
His aMBITION REVOLVE AROUND THEIR CHIP ."I want to give employment to at least 500 people,based on P-SOC," says Swamy.

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