Saturday, January 2, 2010

Blog in!

The Internet has become a dominant means of communication across the globe.It has enabled highly successful services such as e-mail and chat for direct conversation,and newsgroups mand forums for publishing ideas and thoughts.People share not only opinions over ther Internet,but also photographs,video,music and money .The Internet has evolved into a huge graffiti boardm where anyone can stick up their creations,for feedback and comments from people from all walks of life.
Some popular sites for blogging

Blogging Etiquette
Don't use abusive languageon public blogs
Be discrete with the pictures.
Respect all bloggers.
Healthy blogging is for the open-minded .Don't ban a user because he or she has differing opinion.
Don't hesitate to ban mischief-makers from the blog.
If you are referencing items from other Web sites ,provide a link to them.

1 comment:

siddharth soni said...

for me the best thing about internet is that i can use it for educational purpose and to know what research is going out in any part of the world. additionally it lets me download all my favourite songs. Thank god for the internet. Nice post.