Tuesday, January 26, 2010


What Unites India: Freedom abhors perfection.In the history of nations,it isa narrative in which idealism is in combat with ideology ,and the romance of struggle gives in to the reality of compatibility.Old demons in tattered but still colurful clothes of ethnicity and tribalism that have the habit of gate-crashing the freedom party .Hate Rearmed patrols the liberated streets.In the evening of the last century ,when the idyll of communism was shattered ,when the Lie was finally laid to rest ,we saw how the poignancy of freedom was accomplished by the agony of separation .Those were the days when the punsters of journalism could stretch their creativity ,ranging from Mikhailangelo(Gorbachev)to check -oSlovakia.The story of 1989,Europe's annus mirabilis,would outgrow the beauty of the magic lanternand the second Prague Spring .In Central Europe ,the phraseology of liberation would be expanded to include the Second Holocaust "and ethnic cleansing".Today ,as Mesopotamia stages the new century's passion play of freedom,we know the world hasn't gone too far.Freedom divides the mind,and it kills.

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