Saturday, January 9, 2010

Micro-credit Messiahs

Anew breed of microfinance entrepreneurs has emerged on the scene ,armed with magt. techniques and technology,and a burning desire to get big quickly.

Harsha Moily uses microfinance to create a rural market place .Son of former K'taka CM Veerappa Moily,an MBA from Thundeerbird.
Mnab Chakraborty's Mimo Finance lends to the poor of Uttarakhand.
Subhankar Sengupta has a customer base of 23000 with a cumulative loan disbursement of rs.16 crore
Rakesh Dubey and ANUP kR. sINGH OF sonata finance disbursed 25 Crore Rupees.
Kishore Kr.Puli disbursed 3.5crore
Praseeda Kunam serves pne of India's poorest districts,Rewa.
PN Vsudevan :4500customers within a month of launch..Vasu...quit a Rs.55-lakh per annum job with Dev.Credit Bank to launch UPDB.

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