Friday, February 12, 2010

SOUTH KOREA:The Trillion Dollar Economy

Pop. 46.1 million
Literacy 98% Religion Buddhism,Christianity,Confucianism
Korean construction businesses are the most prolific in the world ,and the nation ranks second in ship building,making over 27% of ships built in 1994.Exports have crossed $1000 billion mark ,exhibiting a 1000-fold increase from the level of $1000 million in 1964.
A highly modern ,advanced country with state of the art infrastructure and excellent telecommunications support ,South Korea has stunnned the world with its entry in FIFA World Cup 2002.Today ,it has brands such as Samsung,Hyndai and LG that have entered millions of households.There is much more in this Republic for businesses to profit ,as the economic growth seems unstoppable...
wITH kOREAN STEEL MAKER POSCO establishing a subsidiary in Orissa,it has become one of the largest potential foreign investors in India($12 billion)

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