Sunday, March 31, 2013

Strategies for Learning from Failure

We are programmed at an early age to think that failure is bad.That belief prevents organisations from effectively learning from their missteps..
A Spectrum of Reasons for Failure
Deviance: An individual chooses to violate a prescribed process or practice.
Inattention: An individual inadvertently deviates from specifications.
Lack of Ability: An individual doesn't have the skills, conditions,or training to execute a job.
Process Inadequacy : A  competent individual adheres to a prescribed but faulty or incomplete process.
Task Challenge: An individual faces a task too difficult a be executed reliably every time.
Process Complexity : A process composed of many elements breaks down when it encounters novel interactions.
Uncertainty : A lack of clarity about future events causes people to take seemingly reasonable actions that produce undesired results.
Hypothesis Testing : An experiment conducted to prove that an idea or a design will succeed fails.
Exploratory Testing : An experiment conducted to expand knowledge and investigate a possibility leads to an undesired result.

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