Wednesday, April 21, 2010

eulogy to management guru CKP

CK's large ideas ,the core competency model --strategic thinking should start with looking at the core strengths of an organisation ---and the bottom -of-the-pyramid model--large companies can also sell to mthe lowest rungs of socity--were path-breaking.But so were his knowledge-building methods .He was an innovator in using MBA teams to follow individual companies ,and then collate the learning from the combined effort of all these teams into a cohesive ,systematic whole--this is what led to his best-selling and farbook,The Bottom of the Pyramid.In fact ,this is not just a book any more but a managemnent approach,adopted by many firms.At Ross,we have multiple courses with this approach as a cornerstone.Additionally ,his method of using MBA teams to create knowledge is now being used by business schools worldwide******Prof.Aradhna Prakash, Ross School of Business,Michigan University

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