Friday, April 30, 2010

Reinventing education

India's size and variety are an ideal platform to try new models of education that would help us to mtake the lead in the 21st. century.Let's dare to move ahead as the future of our children and country is at stake.
    It is ,in fact ,nothing short of a miracle that
     the modern methods of instruction have not
      entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry.
                        Albert Einstein

Crosslinks' Daewoo Buy

The Daewooo plant has been on the radar of several companies since it shut down in 2001,after the collapse of its Korean parent.While General Motors had managed to take over Daewoo car operations globally,Tata Motors had pickeed up its commercial vehicle businessin Korea.

Monday, April 26, 2010 to expand

internet   footwear retail portal will expand its integrated shopping service by adding about10 brands.

web ratna awards:a welcome move

these awards by
award categories
citizen centric service and seven other categories.
MP Govt. winner in 3 categories....congrats Shivraj govt.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

facebook to turn sites into satellite -hubs

facebook's plan involves a variation of the 'Share'button already prevalent in many sites.
With about half Facebook's 400 million users checking company has itself as  one of the Web's most popular destinations.

Full -body search on at IPL&CO

Raids at offices of MSM,WSG

A Plateful of Problems(bookmark)

Stuffed and Starved--what lies behind the world food crisis---by raj patel
This is a tastefully written book on the distasteful aspects of  food.Patel has artfully and convincingly dissected and laid apart the contradictions of the world food system  for all to see.

Ramayana--a lexicon of Indian spiritualism

benefits of its reading
Ramayana ensures piety and virtue.It demolishes all vice and stimulates the sense of absolute devotion.It is full to the brim with the nectar of Rama's love when all worldly attachment is repelled. One who has entered into this ocean of Sri  Rama's devotion can never get charred by the inferno of the physical existence.
This concluding Sloka odf the Ramacaritamanasa by the renowned and revered poet Tulasidasaji.This blogger appeals the mankind to kindly read it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

eulogy to management guru CKP

CK's large ideas ,the core competency model --strategic thinking should start with looking at the core strengths of an organisation ---and the bottom -of-the-pyramid model--large companies can also sell to mthe lowest rungs of socity--were path-breaking.But so were his knowledge-building methods .He was an innovator in using MBA teams to follow individual companies ,and then collate the learning from the combined effort of all these teams into a cohesive ,systematic whole--this is what led to his best-selling and farbook,The Bottom of the Pyramid.In fact ,this is not just a book any more but a managemnent approach,adopted by many firms.At Ross,we have multiple courses with this approach as a cornerstone.Additionally ,his method of using MBA teams to create knowledge is now being used by business schools worldwide******Prof.Aradhna Prakash, Ross School of Business,Michigan University

Monday, April 19, 2010

TECHNOVISION's presentations

 Green Building
Disaster  Management
DNA Computing
Sixth Sense Technology
Electronics and Comm.
Nano Technology
silicon Eye----Tanu Jain(daughter of Shri Neeraj Jain a generous donor of Rs.2000 to a poor girl)
Fuzzy logic in control design
MechanicalOX2 Advanced IC eNGINE tECHNOLOGY

Tribute:Prof.CK Prahalad

CKP passed away on 16th April 2010.The great management guru was awarded Padma Bhushan by INDIAN  GOVERNMENT.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Chart a new course

The Maoist attack in Dantewada has brought out two opposing arguments.One argument focuses on a savagely unequal socio-economic reality where State neglect and exploitation have spawned a fearsome response.The other view argues that unless the State forcefully stamps out the Maoists ,all attempts at addressing development are futile .Yet there is a third view distinct from the noblesse oblige of a welfarist  argument that places charity at its centre and theBismarckian blood-and -iron argument of those who believe in matching militancy with militancy .And  that  is the argument of reform.The revolution of the poor is calling for reform  from the rich .The Naxal challenge ,however criminalised and politically motivated it may be ,is calling to us create a new social  contract based on a  partnership of the rich and the poor.
     The word "reform" so far is sadly identified with finance markets and the industrial sector.Instead,if we are to reinvigorate the idea of India ,we will have to widen the definition of liberalisation to mean a liberalisation of government,police,and a liberalisation of the way we think and live.Without reforming  the mind ,genuine liberlisation cannot succeed.How should an elite visualise itself in a country of the poor?As cornering the benefits of real growth for themselves and throwing sacks of grain or a few threadware alphabet books at the servants"?That's the attitude of zamindars,not democrats.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


 A national-level seminar on medern technological advances in almost all the spheres of Engineering is being organized by SATI(local engineering college famous for its faculy and students).
    It is heatening to note that Pallavi Kushwah and Ravi Goel are up to their presentation on E-Bombs(electromagnetic bombs known for their lethality in modern warfare).Both are the students of SATI(BE 4th Sem.IT BRANCH)
         wishing them best of luck for their future endevours...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

War and civil rights

I believe that the death of 75 jawans inDantewara is an unfortunate fallout  of the government's wilful policy of pursuing Operation Green Hunt ,We consider the war against the so-called left wing extremists a wrong policy at a time when the country has been reeling under unprecedented  drought, crop failure and price rise.