Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Nagarsen Maharaj (Nagara Baba)

Nagarsen Maharaj (Nagara Baba) is a famous deity who is fulfilling the wishes of many around the Chambal region near Bhind and Morena.His temple is located in Dimni town near the Kunwari river in Morena Distt in Madhya Pradesh.People are offering prayers here in a very large number.Here, Nagara Baba is being prayed alongwith his two sisters named Hanso Mata & Bhaago Mata and with his most admired disciple Mashaan Baba.Also in front of the Samadhi of Nagara Baba there is the temple of Ghatoi Baba (Ghaat wale Baba).Very beautiful idol statues of Nagarsen Maharaj(Nagara Baba),Hanso Mata,Bhaago Mata ,Mashaan Baba and Ghatoi Baba are there in the temple premises which are being prayed with the Samadhi of Baba.A very large fair (Mela) has been held annually in the month of March(Falgun month)on Dooj where thousands of devotees gather to offer praaying to Baba.

A story has been telling for many centuries about the life of Nagarsen Maharaj  which is as follows.At a very young age,he was a great devotee of God and most of the time spent day in doing bhakti.When asked by parents to marry a girl he refused and went to Bengal with the Sadhus and returned  being learned.After return from Bengal,one day when he was returning home with his two sisters Hanso Mata & Bhaago Mata in the Kunwari river.They got drowned in the river.Mashaan Baba brought them from there in the village.One day,Nagara Baba gave dream to a Panndit to built his Samadhi.Then the Pandit and the whole village gathered and made his samadhi.And at that time,Baba is fulfilling the wishes of may.People say that at one time samadhi used to talk and fulfill the wishes.But now as time changes Baba is still fulfilling the wishes by his blessings.Ghatoi Baba also showering his blessings over the devotees there.People offer their prayings to Nagara Baba with Hanso Mata & Bhaago Mata,Mashaan Baba and with Ghatoi Baba( Ghaat wale baba).

You can reach to Dimni from Morena.Dimni is 30km from Morena and there are many public transport vehicles you can get easily from Morena.

Nagarsen Maharaj ( Nagara Baba)

Nagarsen Maharaj (Nagara Baba) is a famous deity who is fulfilling the wishes of many around the Chambal region near Bhind and Morena.His temple is located in Dimni town near the Kunwari river in Morena Distt in Madhya Pradesh.People are offering prayers here in a very large number.Here, Nagara Baba is being prayed alongwith his two sisters named Hanso Mata & Bhaago Mata and with his most admired disciple Mashaan Baba.Also in front of the Samadhi of Nagara Baba there is the temple of Ghatoi Baba (Ghaat wale Baba).Very beautiful idol statues of Nagarsen Maharaj(Nagara Baba),Hanso Mata,Bhaago Mata ,Mashaan Baba and Ghatoi Baba are there in the temple premises which are being prayed with the Samadhi of Baba.A very large fair (Mela) has been held annually in the month of March(Falgun month)on Dooj where thousands of devotees gather to offer praaying to Baba.

A story has been telling for many centuries about the life of Nagarsen Maharaj  which is as follows.At a very young age,he was a great devotee of God and most of the time spent day in doing bhakti.When asked by parents to marry a girl he refused and went to Bengal with the Sadhus and returned  being learned.After return from Bengal,one day when he was returning home with his two sisters Hanso Mata & Bhaago Mata in the Kunwari river.They got drowned in the river.Mashaan Baba brought them from there in the village.One day,Nagara Baba gave dream to a Panndit to built his Samadhi.Then the Pandit and the whole village gathered and made his samadhi.And at that time,Baba is fulfilling the wishes of may.People say that at one time samadhi used to talk and fulfill the wishes.But now as time changes Baba is still fulfilling the wishes by his blessings.Ghatoi Baba also showering his blessings over the devotees there.People offer their prayings to Nagara Baba with Hanso Mata & Bhaago Mata,Mashaan Baba and with Ghatoi Baba( Ghaat wale baba).

You can reach to Dimni from Morena.Dimni is 30km from Morena and there are many public transport vehicles you can get easily from Morena.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Strategies for Learning from Failure

We are programmed at an early age to think that failure is bad.That belief prevents organisations from effectively learning from their missteps..
A Spectrum of Reasons for Failure
Deviance: An individual chooses to violate a prescribed process or practice.
Inattention: An individual inadvertently deviates from specifications.
Lack of Ability: An individual doesn't have the skills, conditions,or training to execute a job.
Process Inadequacy : A  competent individual adheres to a prescribed but faulty or incomplete process.
Task Challenge: An individual faces a task too difficult a be executed reliably every time.
Process Complexity : A process composed of many elements breaks down when it encounters novel interactions.
Uncertainty : A lack of clarity about future events causes people to take seemingly reasonable actions that produce undesired results.
Hypothesis Testing : An experiment conducted to prove that an idea or a design will succeed fails.
Exploratory Testing : An experiment conducted to expand knowledge and investigate a possibility leads to an undesired result.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kalidasa in Modern Sanskrit Literature

All Sanskrit lovers were attracted and paid the maximum  attention to Kavikulguru Kalidasa.He is the most popular figure in Sanskrit literature.Kalidasa has been a perennial source of inspiration to Indian poets and thinkers.
        Kalidasa acquires learning by the grace of Kali.In the present play he is shown to acquire learning not only by the grace of the goddess Kali but also through his single-mindedness.

Aesthetics of Sriramakirtimahakavyam(Thai RAMAYANA)

SKM ,a Sanskrit mahakavya on the Thai Ramakien(the Rama story in Thailand).Beauty is not indispensable in the mass art of of the post-modern period.But the fact of its existence outside and inside literature is not neglected.Beauty has to be that which makes people and beholders flummoxed whether in feminine or in masculine context..Prof.Shastri's concept of beauty has a connection with wonder.Child Sita , rescued from the pitcher dug out of the earth,was eclipsing the lotuses with the splendour of her cheeks.Her large eyes were adorned with long eye-lashes,she was as effulgent as gold and as fair as the rays of the moon.Her beauty made people astounded.
                 Similarly, greed overpowered Sita after seeing the beauty of golden deer sent by Ravana.
   Love is the creative effect of Love god Cupid.It has its impact even on the most controlled personlity like Hanuman.It spreads its softly bending filaments when eligible man and woman look at each other.This is the first stage of relationship between two loving hearts.
         In love at first sight ,losing control of mind is the automatic effect.Man is a symbol of the tree of valour.And his loving beloved like a creeper has the instant desire to rest upon that tree as she is bereft of her composure with loss of mental strength and is overwhelmed in his close proximity.The golden mermaid gets instantly love-lorn at the sight of Hanuman.
This blog is dedicated to the multidimensional genius of Prof.Satya Vrat Shastri...Jnanpitha Awardee(2009),a leading Sanskrit poet of our time.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Edward M.Kennedy:More than Myth

The patriarch,Joseph P.Kennedy ,spent a big part of his life in the movie business,so it's fitting perhaps ,to quote from a film as we reflect on the family he built.The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence opened in1962,when John F. and Robert F. Kennedy ruled Washington and young Edward was winning his first of nine US Senate elections.