Sunday, September 12, 2010

Read AND Digest

End of evil is evil as end of good is good.
Senses are great cheats.All that comes from them is cheating.
Those who have seen true light do not wonder at the prosperity of ungodly.
Real continues to exist .Unreal is subject to destruction.
Self-realisation means understanding God.
Never crave for fruit of action .Crave for salvation.
Nothing remains in the heart of a pure devotee except God.
Love and hatred,greed and jealousy,lust and anger are all gates to hell.
Disciplined mind and senses help the intellect to reach God .
Unless mind is calm , knowledge cannot illuminate it.
A perfect soul is egoless.
Desire is root of all evils.
Action without motive is the way to attain supreme height.
One who worships God invites His grace to protect him.