Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A disaster still in progress

If the State had helped the Bhopal victims ,they may have had a fighting chance.It didnot
Two years in jail&bail of Rs.25000 for the 8 accused in the Bhopal gas case will do nothing to lessen the poisonous atmosphere that has clouded the controversial tragedy for25 long years.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Ramayan

Shri Ramayan brings to every home the unbounded galactic play of Ram Lila ,purifying human sentiments and rendering life on earth in the waves of bliss.
Ramayan illumines the Purushottam Ram in the consciousness of everyone;Ramayan illumines Maryada Purushottam Ram in the behaviour of everyone.
Ramayan the sing-song of eternal life ,is a direct means to the unfoldment of Brahman,the total reality in every Jiv;it inspires the rise of every boundary to eternal freedom.
Ramayan is for full enlightenment;Ramayan is for perfection in every profession.
Ramayan is to create a perfect man,a perfect society,and a perfect world.
Ram is the invincible administrator of the universe.